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Old 02-26-2007, 07:41 PM   #4
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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Join Date: May 29, 2002
Location: Somewhere in between
Age: 39
Posts: 7,029
Antagonist's Anarchy

Antagonist's Anarchy is a story-driven game that focuses on character interaction, misadventure, with elements of backstabbing, manipulation and betrayal.

The plot arc revolves around an ancient prophecy spoken by the Sages of Adura, foretelling the return of the ‘Master’ and the fall of the Capital, a city supposedly born after a star crashing into the world and built upon a lake out of the fire. This ‘Master’s’ return will herald a new age, if the Sages are to be believed: either the world will enter a dark age of unimaginable pain, or will enter a golden age, the likes of which has not been seen since the Capital was built.

As such, several cults have arisen and many believe that the signs confirming the ‘Master’s’ return have been met, most noticeably, the “jaded star” and the “bloodfire” in the veins of those who wield the ‘Arts’(of magic). One such cult has achieved noticeable status and have considerable influence and holdings over the previously untamed lands around the Capital. Known as the ‘Lords of Vision’, this semi-legitimate group has set themselves up as the new system of government, often using bullyboy tactics and imposing harsh laws to ensure their iron fisted reign over the locals. Their ranks comprise of bandits, thugs, outlaws and rogue mages. These fanatics live for the day ‘their Master’ will return and will stop at nothing to be the first to greet him and gain his favour. The sages believe that through watching the heavens and observing the moments of the stars and planets, it is possible to predict the ‘Masters’ return, and so “main quest” chosen by the current group is to procure astral charts, halt the Lords of Vision’s plans and deal with this so-called ‘Master’ when – and indeed if – he returns.

Characters are encouraged to have their own backstories and work at their own plots, subplots and quests in addition to the main quest the group has undertaken.

Any and all players are welcome, though the current group are veteran RPers so a reasonable level of skill is encouraged. New players are welcome, provided they are willing to learn and adapt their styles to fit in with the spirit of the game.

The ruleset is a custom “diceless” homebrew set of rules that are very easy to learn and use. There is a guide on how to use them at the start of each OOC thread, but the gist of it is this: whoever has the higher score (and depending on circumstance and/or mutual consent and/or most reasonable/realistic) wins.

While most of the game is considered “semi” freeform and though players are encouraged to use their initiative and be creative, the DM does hold the final say in the matter. Unnamed NPCs are encouraged to be RPed by players while named NPCs are not. As far as combat is concerned, depending on the situation, either the DM or the player calls the shots – in the case of PvP, the players involved are encouraged to work things out between them and reach a mutual agreement. As far as this game goes, the DM is more a “first among equals” than anything else and at times, players alternate at playing DM and take control of certain scenes.

There are a few basic rules requirements for the game, most of which are expected to be self-enforced.

- A basic grasp of the English language
- A basic grasp of “Gaming Etiquette”*
- No sigs to be posted IC
- No controlling another Playable Character
- ‘Evil’ is permitted, but “Chaotic Stupid” is not.
- Flexibility – sometimes not everyone can post; a player must be flexible enough to be willing to adapt to the situation accordingly
- Acknowledge the DM has the final say (on any and every matter) and reserves the right to refuse players from joining
- Finally and most importantly – have fun

This is written with new players in mind, so feel free to disregard this section if you’re anything-other than a new player.
*“Gaming Etiquette” –This may be picked up fairly readily and is little more than an extension of “forum etiquette”. Such etiquette includes:
- basic gaming terms, such as “IC”(In Character), “OOC”(Out of Character), “PC”(player character), “NPC”(non-player character), PvP(player vs. player) and the like.
- being able to differentiate between “IC” & “OOC” – what happens to one’s character is not necessarily the feelings of the player; nor is any character hostility shared between players.
- No pure “OOC” posts IC. Adding an OOC note at the head or foot of a post is fine; just not the entire post – that’s what the OOC thread is for.
- the use of full words/sentences, correct grammar and closing of tags(if applicable). While posts need not be essays or word perfect, and while everyone makes the occasional typographical error, a lot of this can be easily avoided by use of a spellchecker or even taking a moment to re-read one’s post. Shorthand use of words such as “u”, or phrase abbreviations are not welcome in character (e.g. “atm”, or “brb”, “gtg”, etc.). Also, modern lingo may not be appropriate at times – this especially applies to cursing. (See forum PG13 rules)
- Characters die; it’s a fact of gaming life. Players must be able to accept the death of their character gracefully; they may not have to like it, but they should still be polite about it.
- “Common courtesy” – not a lot more needs to be said

OOC thread

Current thread

Original thread

PM me or drop a line in the OOC thread if you’re interested in joining. There is no limit on the number of players in-game.

[ 02-26-2007, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]
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