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Old 07-15-2002, 04:08 PM   #5
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: June 14, 2001
Location: Vermont
Age: 32
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How about the....

Cloak of Elminster

This cloak was created by Elminster when he first started adventuring as a youth. Thousands of years old now, this cloak is magically enhanced so that it can never be destroyed. It has many special abilities, most of which were embued upon this cloak not by magic, but because it was once swallowed by a very vicious Red Dragon, (by the name of Firkraag) has been stolen by ettercaps and used by Giant Spiders to build their nests, and was pickpocketed by a notorious Shadow Thief who, in his haste, dropped it into the Waterdeep sewers. It still bears marks from those encounters and more, making it both more powerful and more dangerous to wear.

Ac- 0
Weight- 3
Special- It speeds the casting time of the wearer by 1
Equipped Abilities-

Ability to polymorph into a Giant Spider once per day

-2 save vs. polymorph/poison

Grants 50% Fire sesistance

Takes -10% Cold resistance from the wearer

-2 Charisma because of its smell

If the wearer has 0% poison resistance, he/she must make a save vs. poison every 24 hours or be unconcious for eight hours because of its smell. Elminster is immune to this effect.

Special Abilities (once per day)


Special Abilities (one charge)

Elminster's Evasion-
The wearer, when using the ability Elminster's Evasion, appears to teleport him/herself to another point in the map. What really happens is that the caster is permantly invisible, at least for 10 turns. During this time he/she can do whatever they like without being at risk of being spotted. True Sight does not dispel this effect. However, when the wearer uses Elminster's Evasion he or she cannot cast spells, for if they do the wearer will not be visible, but can be spotted by nearby enemies, as if by echolocation.

Cloak Barrier-
By using this ability, the cloak makes a special transformation. All of the stars on the cloak seem to come off, and they spin in a circle, revolving aroung the wearer. If an enemy comes within 10 feet of the wearer, they will take 5d6 damage, +1 per level. However, companions of the wearer and friendly creatures are not affected by this, for the stars can steer clear of them. Though this is a useful ability, it gives the caster -1 charisma during the duration of the spell, because many creatures do not take kindly of magic stars whizzing around their head while they try to do buisness with the wearer.
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