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Old 09-12-2003, 04:55 PM   #11
Knight of the Rose

Join Date: April 8, 2003
Location: Arkansas
Age: 48
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my mom is like that, and the only way to really help them, is to be truthful with them, even though the truth may hurt them more in the short run, sometimes it is better to make them mad enough to want to live,and you can always be a friend, and take them see a counsler, not a shrink, a person who is trained to listen, and give advice, and if it comes to it, you can always talk to a judge, and have them court order in, if you think the are a danger to them selves, or others, that is an option, but it takes a little while to get it done and it honestly sounds like there is not much time to help him, maybe, you can find out why he is upset, and talk to him about it, but the best thing, is never leave them alone, when they are in this state, until you get him help, find alot of people willing to stay with him, and work out a scedule, so he is never left alone even to use the restroom, it sounds bad, yes, but think off all the ways in there he can do that, pills, tub, shower curtains, things like that
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