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Old 09-12-2002, 01:42 PM   #9

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The only thing I wanted to do with the article is to demonstrate that most of the so called science that is being spouted by the really radical eco-types is not based on real science at all but on theories and gueses on incomplete modles.

On a telnet talker that I go to, we have 2 meteorologists, who seem reasonable and admit that they can't even predict tomorrows weather with better than 66% accuracy most of the time and that the highend weather modeling doesn't account for small things like..say mountain ranges or the great lakes.

Yes the temps may be going up, but there are indications that a temperature rise is the pre-cursor of a glacial period. The temps rise, melt the ice caps faster and faster dumping fresh water into the oceans and totaly whacking the deep ocean thermal convection currents which disrupt the gulf stream and keep it from sending heat north and causing northern climes to suddenly go cold while the equator keeps most of the heat energy....really good reading on this stuff if you want to study it. There is an analagous convection current for the southern hemisphere too but I dont know the current names.