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Old 11-24-2000, 02:55 PM   #1

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Hey everyone. I've been reading this forum for quite some time now. I have especially been following Freudianslip and Wyvern's threads, as they have helped me on the few places ive been stuck on. Thanx. You guys seem to keep a pretty friendly forum going here, so I have decided to join in whilst I am on my quest to rid the fair land of gael serran of all the bastards that have taken it upon themselves to cause so much angst among the locals.

Enough about me though. I've got some questions that are puzzling me. First off, how many of these damn spiders eggs do I need? Im lugging around two dozen of the blasted things and have felt compelled to carry every one of them that I pick up! ( my wizard is maxed out on weight from carrying them all ). I have just cleaned out the serpent temple and killed the residing ladies ( and I use the term loosely ). So I've made the spider nectar, and one of my guys is already a Warlock. I might make one other char a warlock so as far as I know I need at least one of the eggs. Do I need anymore than that? I wish I could donate them to the needy people on this forum that have been complaining about a shortage of the things.

Second Question. I am very concerned about something I've stumbled into recently. My characters are very advanced and Four of them have ascended even before I ever set foot into the lands west of I'shad Na, I even smited the naga in less than three minutes ( dont mind my gloating ) but anyway, my problem is that my elven wizard became a bard before learning all of her stone spells. She was my stone expert, but in my haste to advance I overlooked the fact that she wouldnt be able to continue her stone training. Will I need the spells above level 5 in that order of magic? I have an Oomphaz warlock, so I guess I could pick the spells up with him. Could I further my elf's bardic training and then switch to warlock later to pick up her stone training where she left off with it?

I guess I'll introduce my party as well, to see what you guys think of them.

Lysander Human Male Warrior-L8/Paladin-L4 Current weapon: bastard sword
My group leader. He is the second strongest warrior in my group, but not by much. Lysander is skilled with the sword and shield, and is currently studying gallantry, smithing, and spirit magic on the side. Lysander is always quick to deal out a crushing blow and is becoming quite the supportive character to the group with his newly acquired paladin status. Lysander will also take care of the groups equipment maintenance once smithing is developed more.

Lorienne Elf Female Wizard-L8/Bard-L8 Current weapons: Witches stick and magic spells
My secondary magic user. Lorienne is very intelligent and learns magic quickly, she has already attained level four moon magic powers and is a level five caster. Her moon and stone spells are her forte and she has claimed many lives with her elemental blast spell. She is currently learning to utilize musical instruments as this is surely a powerful ability that most adventurers overlook.

Pippen Gnome(Hobbit) Male Rogue-L9 Current weapons: Dual daggers
Pippen is the handy man of the group. He is a level six disarmer and carries level three lockpicks so there is nothing he can't break into. When Pippen isn't breaking into locked doors and chests, he can be found on the battle field, daggers in each hand, fighting as the fastest member of our little entorage. Pippen has agility 18 so naturally he gets two to three attacks where everyone else on the field gets one. Pippen hopes to one day complete his ninja training when we finally survive the mantraps and get to the castel ruins.

Dreifus Oomphaz Male Wizard-L8/Warlock-L9 Current weapons: Witchs stick and magic spells
The premier caster of the group. Dreifus wields the widest array of powerful magics and is always able to cast a spell with his mana seed ability. Dreifus has forsaken training in any weapons or other skills so he may focus on mastering fiend, sun, moon, and stone magic to there fullest. Dreifus has sworn to remain a warlock and become the most powerful wizard ever.

Lizabeth Human Female Warrior-L8/Barbarian-L9 Current weapon: Cutlass
The most powerful fighter of the group. Lizabeth is pure combat, focusing training on sword, shield, gallantry and athletics. Lizabeth will soon learn to use a weapon in each hand to smite her enemies. She is physically balanced with good speed, strength, dexterity, and fortitude. Liza has been known to smite enemies in one hit and was instrumental in crushing the naga in hand to hand combat.

Vincent Human Male Priest-L10 Current weapon: Battle mace
Vincent is the lead party supporter with his blessings, heroic might, and suite of healing and resurrection spells. He is decent with his battle mace, inflicting at least some damage. Vince has been working on his physical characteristics in hopes of becoming a monk one day. And maybe even a zenmaster when the time comes. Vincent is a master at identifying relics of long forgotten lore, with his level five identify ability. As the priest of the group, Vince embodies wisdom, support, and benevolence for our band of heroes, and without him there would be no party.

So? What do you guys think of my party?
Old 11-24-2000, 03:18 PM   #2
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Rural Paradise, MI
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Welcome Kore'tha-Konkoror (nice name!

Hope you will consider adding to our writing area - but that aside:
(blushes on the compliment)

You might already know that one is needed along with a skull to become a warlock.
An additional egg is used in the serpent temple - but you've been there, done that. DROP THOSE EGGS!!! You don't need to carry them around (I'm still lugging around my rat's skull which has no purpose at all but has sort of become a lucky token - well, NOT for the rat, of course).
You can get by without some of the higher stone spells. I ascended one of my characters in my first game and wound up in a similar position. They learn other spells - you can get by. I found that Moon spells to the max were really nice because of the Portal, Teleport and Call of Home spells. On my second game we're trying to fill in some of the spell blanks from the first, but it's surprising how well you can manage with some limitations!

Looks like a very nice party!! Tell us how they met!

Wyvern is offline  
Old 11-25-2000, 02:16 AM   #3

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The halls of the arch bishop's temple seemed uneasy that day, as Lysander and his compatriot, Pippen ventured to the temple's inner sanctum. The two adventurers had been through alot together, as they had met in the distant desert town of Urn. And many places had they went together since. Tension wasn't hard to take note of, and this place was no different. It was just days earlier that the two had met with a strange man in one of the local taverns, a man who immediatly took interest in the demeanor of the warrior Lysander and the rogue Pippen.

"Wanna make some coin?" the man barked at Lysander, as he sat drunk with ale and stories being passed around the bar.
"Depends on what you require of me," Lysander said, followed by an ale burp.
"200 gold for you and your friend sound good?" the man replied.
"200 gold! For what?" Pippen said, butting into the conversation as the word gold crossed someone's lips.
"All ya gotta do is go meet the arch bishop at the temple for instructions, he's my boss and asked me to find some able bodies to undertake his little task. Up to it?" the man replied, as if wishing to end the interaction here and get out of the tavern quickly. The two hadn't noticed yet, but the man had priests robes on under a plain bluish robe.

The last thing the two remember from that night was the robed figure scurrying out of the tavern like a roach running from a misplaced fireball spell. Lysander had a bad feeling, like the time Pippen tried seducing a lake nymph and ended up losing all their gold. But this was much more serious.

The inner sanctum was vast and empty, save a man dressed in flowing red robes and wearing sparkling gold holy symbols and baubles. The man smiled a wide inviting smile as the two approached him.

"Welcome my fine travelers! You have the look of experienced adventurers." the man said in a sweet and condescending manner.
"Psst...Ever had yer arse kissed by a priest?" Pippen whispered to Lysander as they approached the bishop.
"Shhhh!" Lysander scolded.

As they approached the man, he began to appraise them, as if placing a value to them. Pippen squirmed, as this man made him very nervous.

"So I hear you need assistance," Lysander said.

Upon the utterance of the final word of the statement, another priest strode out from behind a pillar with urgency.

"You will address the Bishop as "your grace"!" the priest said.
"Sheesh, who's this guy?" Pippen said jokingly.
"Please excuse Vincent," the Bishop said, "he is very formal and imposes formality on all those around him foolish enough to go outside of the lines, so to speak."

The neonate priest seemed ready for travel, as he was wearing leather clothes and a metallic cone helm. The priest also had a bag packed on his back with a mace and shield at his side.

"Your grace, If I will. About the assignment we've been told about?" Lysander spoke as courteously as possible, so as to not incite the anger of the neonate again.
"Ah yes, the assignment. It's really quite simple. Recently there has been undead activity in the ruins of the old town of Bersault. Legions of the dead have taken up arms against the nearest town, Valeia. The local church has acted in accordance with my orders and sent many warrior priests to quell the undead uprising, but to no avail. So many of our brothers have been overwhelmed in battle. Now I am forced to send what little I can, and that is good Vincent here. He is a very skilled neonate priest and is desperatly needed in that area," said the Bishop, "Your job is to make sure Vincent arrives unscathed, and the local church might offer what little it can upon your arrival."

With gold in hand and a new traveling companion, Lysander and Pippen knew they had their work cut out for them. The lands west of the temple weren't the safest roads traveled and the thought of the final destination being infested with the undead didn't go over well with Pippen, who hates any type of bones other than chicken or rib bones.

And so the next morning our heroes set out, swords at their sides and horses all packed.

to be continued
Old 11-25-2000, 08:46 AM   #4
Ironworks Moderator

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Location: Rural Paradise, MI
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Yes Yes Yes!!!

Hey slip - take note - we have another author here!!!

Kore'tha - email your story to freudianslip!! You can get your story posted on slip's W&W writers' board!!

(virtual cartwheels)

Wyvern is offline  
Old 11-25-2000, 03:31 PM   #5

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The air was chill and moist as the group made their way into the valley. It was so foggy that Vincent had to cast a reveal spell just to keep the party from venturing from the road.

"Couldn't we have waited a day for this fog to die down a tad? I can barely see my nose!" Pippen whined ahead to Lysander.
"You know we need that money fast Pip. We have a helluva tab at the tavern back in town," Lysander yelled back with a laugh.
"What about the people that are counting on us?" Vincent said with contempt, "Would you let more lives expire just so you can have a more comfortable journey? What kind of adventurers are you anyway?"
"Please Vince, excuse..."
"Don't call me Vince. The name's Vincent. How would you like me to call you Lys (lice)?" the priest interrupted.

The valley was calm, save the chirping and fluttering of a few birds nearby. It was too hazy to see them though. The only other noises were the gallop of the horses the three were riding, as they plodded along. It was cold, the kind of cold that bites through leather and stings a man's skin, like hundreds of needles. It was comforting to Lysander though. Back in basic survival training at the local warriors guild, the smith had taught him that the cold was an adventurers friend. "It keeps a man alert" the smith had said, "You can sneak up on a warm and cozzy man, easier than a freezing and uncomfortable one". Lysander felt that this was an accurate assumption, as he found the cold leaving him very agitated and awake, but safe nevertheless. The priest didn't seem to mind the cold, he appeared as steely as any fighter and never took his attention away from the path ahead. Pippen sat on his horse shivering something frightful. Lysander had discovered that a Gnome loves comfort, warmth, lots of food, and in Pippen's case the occasional female to snuggle up to: willing or unwilling mind you.

As the morning passed so did the fog. Along with it went the chill as well. The sun seemed to melt away the uncomfort of the valley as it rose further past the horizon. The party decided to give the horses a rest after the cold, and so settle near a few trees off the path in the valley.

"Ah! This is more like it," Pippen said as he leaned against a tree and kicked his feet up on his packs.
"Even I'll admit, it's good to stop and rest a bit," Vincent said with a sigh of relief, "I haven't traveled this much in years."
"Pip, open up the food packs and I'll get a fire going," Lysander said hungrily.

Pippen brought out the groups food stuffs and naturally set aside a choice piece of meat for himself. Lysander ventured toward some trees in search of fire wood.

"Hey look, over there! Firewood already in a nice pile, ready to light," Pippen yelled down to Lysander.
"Wha...," Lysander uttered, remembering that he saw no human or horse tracks other than theirs in the area. A freshly placed wood pit wasn't always a good sign. "Who's wood could it be, or what's?" Lysander thought nervously.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, the journey took a turn for the worst.

"Trollie trollie!!!" a voice cried from a nearby hill. It was a band of trolls, clubs ready and bows aimed.

There was little time for words. Pippen scrambled to his feet, with daggers ready. Vincent pulled his mace and shield from his packs and stood ready. Lysander was on the other side of the path, about eighty yards or so. The trolls rushed the small encampment. Pippen took the first hit, an arrow to the chest, sending the gnome reeling to the ground. Vincent cast a blessing upon himself and swung for a counter attack, crushing the skull of one of the trolls with a wet crunching sound. Vincent's shield saved him from a volley of arrows aimed at his chest.

"You ugly bastards!" Lysander yelled as he finally closed the gap between himself and the troll band.

Lysander flung his sword through the air with a spin. The blade caught the troll leader in the chest. Just then one of the trolls sent a fire spell Lysander's way, engulfing the warriors right leg. Falling to the ground in seering pain, Lysander hit the earth with a thud.

Then when it seemed like the horde would overwhelm Vincent, a voice screamed a prominent battle cry. A female warrior wearing a crusaders helmet and wielding a great sword swept down on the surprised trollish archers. With hardly a second to react the trolls didn't even have time to pull out an arrow in their defense. The warrioress swung her giant blade, cleaving the suprised trolls in half at the waist.

"Flanked ya!" the warrior yalped as the troll torsos plodded to the dirt.

The three remaining trolls, now without a leader or supporting ranged attackers, began to panic and run for the woods. Vincent placed his hands together and began to concentrate toward the fleeing trolls. The slowest received the holy retribution of a force of mind attack, utterly crushing the beasts small brain. The other two made it to the tree line as their companions head burst like a spoiled grape.

Vincent looked about to assess the damage. Lysander was laying in the tall grass, holding his charred leg in anguish. Pippen lay under the tree with an arrow sticking out of his chest. The female warrior approached the three. "Damn trolls are breeding like rabbits, soon the entire valley will be nothing but a great big trollish stronghold."

"My name is Vincent, I'm a priest on my way to Valeia," Vincent said nervously to the brawny female fighter.
"No need to be nervous, I'm not gonna rob ya or try and kill ya," she said, "Are your friends ok?"

As the question passed her lips, Lysander could only muster one thought before losing conciousness. Why'd it have to warm up......
to be continued
Old 11-25-2000, 03:32 PM   #6

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Old 11-25-2000, 04:40 PM   #7
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"Decent," he asks!!

Yea, verily, yea!!!

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Old 11-25-2000, 04:41 PM   #8
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Email me!!

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